
goddess Apr 13, 2023

Aphrodite is the Ancient Greek goddess of love, beauty, pleasure, and procreation. She was born from the white foam created when Uranus's severed genitals were cast into the sea by Cronus. She is often depicted wearing a crown and holding a sceptre or a mirror in her hand. In Roman mythology, she became Venus. Aphrodite is associated with the planet Venus. Her symbols include the myrtle, rose, dove, swan, and dolphin. She was married to Hephaestus but had affairs with Ares and Adonis. Some of her children include Eros, Phobos, and Deimos.

In Greek mythology, she is the most beautiful of all goddesses. She was one of the twelve Olympians and had a special place in their pantheon due to her beauty and grace. She significantly impacted Greek culture, influencing art, literature, and philosophy. In many stories, she used her charms to influence gods and mortals alike. Her legacy lives on in the modern world and is still a powerful symbol of beauty, love, and desire.

Work with Aphrodite...

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Welcome to Aries Season!

astrology Mar 21, 2023


Aries is a fiery astrological sign with the symbol of a ram and falls under the fire element. People born under Aries are active, ambitious, and courageous, desiring to take on challenges and live a life of excitement. They are natural-born leaders who strive for excellence in their pursuits. Aries natives tend to be highly independent, direct, and slightly rash in their behaviour. Though their impulsiveness can get them into trouble, Aries are incredibly driven individuals who will stop at nothing to reach the top and prove themselves. They also have a strong sense of justice and a natural charisma that people find attractive. Overall, Aries is a sign of passionate energy and a go-getter attitude.

For those born under Aries, the planet Mars is their ruling celestial body, which determines their strength and courage. This planet gives them an almost unmatched determination, allowing them to accomplish whatever goals they set out for themselves. Additionally, the influence of...

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Ostara/Spring Equinox

sabbats Mar 20, 2023

Ostara, also known as the Spring Equinox, is a time of celebration for many cultures. In the Northern Hemisphere, it typically falls in late March or early April and marks the official start of spring. According to ancient beliefs, Ostara was blessed by the goddess Eostre - from which we get our modern name for the holiday. During this time, nature is in full bloom, and animals are out of hibernation. Many cultures celebrate the fertility of plants and animals during Ostara and the return of longer days and more sunshine. There may be feasts, bonfires, rituals, or other activities to honour the season and mark its beginning. On a spiritual level, Ostara is a time for renewal and rebirth. It provides an opportunity to reflect on the transformations that have taken place in our lives and give us the strength to continue growing and learning. Whether you celebrate Ostara or not, it's important to take this time to appreciate the beauty of nature and acknowledge our connection with the...

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Mabon/Autumn Equinox

sabbats Mar 20, 2023

Mabon is a holiday celebrated by Pagans and Witches to honour the autumn equinox. In the Southern Hemisphere, it is celebrated around the 21st of March (exact 21 March 2023 at 7.24 am). Mabon marks the year's second harvest and is considered a time of balance when day and night are equal in length. Traditionally, it is a time to give thanks for the season's bounty and reflect on all that we have been gifted. It is also a celebration of peace and harmony and an opportunity to show gratitude to those we love. Mabon rituals often involve:

  • Gathering with friends and family.
  • Making offerings to the gods or spirits.
  • Honouring those who have passed.

Celebrating Mabon is a beautiful way to connect with nature and the cycles of life. Whether gathering with loved ones or taking a moment for yourself, take some time to honour the blessed Mabon and the autumn equinox.

The autumn equinox marks the transition from one season to the next, reminding us that change is inevitable. Embrace the...

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